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Wildlife Removal Services in Snellville GA

Wildlife is an enchanting and exquisite aspect of the natural world, however, certain wildlife can become bothersome and even hazardous when they infiltrate our houses or yards. Our expert wildlife removal services in Snellville GA can effectively identify the whereabouts of the animal, determine its point of entry, and safely and humanely remove and relocate it far away from your property. Additionally, we will repair any damages caused by the animal. We have a reputation for removing animals without causing harm or putting people or pets in danger. If you are currently facing a wildlife problem on your property or in your home, do not hesitate to contact us.

Wildlife Removal Process in Snellville GA

Step 1: Wildlife Inspection

We will examine your house or property for indications of wildlife infestations. Throughout the examination, we will search for signs of animals such as footprints, holes, and waste. Additionally, we will determine any access points and places where nests may be found.

Step 2: Wildlife Removal

We remove any animals discovered on the premises, potentially through methods such as trapping, capturing, or moving them elsewhere.

Step 3: Wildlife Exclusion & Repair

We secure all openings and vulnerable areas on the property to guarantee its safety and prevent wildlife from entering.

Step 4: Wildlife Warranty & Follow Up

After removing, excluding, or repairing wildlife, we reach out to the property owner. Our aim is to identify any additional indications of animals and assess the adequacy of the repairs made.

Why Choose Us for Wildlife Removal Services in Snellville GA?

If you require assistance with the removal and relocation of wildlife, we would be delighted to offer our services! A friendly wildlife expert will serve as your personal advisor to address your specific predicament. We strive to provide same-day or next-day service for the majority of tasks in order to swiftly resolve infestations.

Having more than three decades of experience in removing wildlife, we possess the necessary understanding and skills to successfully remove any animal from your home or property. By choosing to collaborate with us, you can have confidence in partnering with a reputable company that has received over 250 five-star reviews from satisfied clients.

Wildlife Review

“I wish I didn’t have as much experience using Expest as I have, but that’s the joy of an old house in an intown neighborhood! I’ve used them to get a squirrel out of my attic, rats out of my basement and crawlspace, snakes out of my basement, and now for termites. I’m a real estate agent and have had multiple clients use them, as well. Always professional, communicative, and thorough.”

Cindy Hulbert


Raccoon Removal in Snellville GA

Raccoons are fascinating animals recognized for their playful nature and unique look. They are highly adaptable and eat a wide range of foods. They are adept at finding food and frequently search around bodies of water, like ponds or streams. In addition, they scrounge for fruits, nuts, and bugs in urban areas and on farmland.

Raccoons have a knack for being resourceful and determined if it wants to enter a home. They are skilled climbers and can find their way onto rooftops and through chimneys in search of shelter and food. Raccoons often choose to nest in attics, basements, and crawl spaces. They use their paws to tear through shingles and screens, creating openings for themselves to enter. Once inside, they can cause property damage and create disturbances with their noise. It is important to note that raccoons can carry various diseases such as rabies, as well as parasites like roundworms and ticks.

Raccoon Inspection

If you believe that a raccoon has entered your house, it is advisable to seek assistance from a professional to eliminate it. An expert in wildlife will examine your property for indications of raccoon presence. These indications may consist of:

  • Damage to roofs, vents, and other components of the house
  • Feces and urine marks on the floor or in the attic
  • Objects that have been chewed or ruined, like garbage bins, pet food, and garden plants
  • Traces or indications of raccoon presence such as footprints or other signs

Raccoon Trapping Process

In order to catch raccoons, we place traps in areas where they are active. These bait traps are filled with food or scents that appeal to raccoons in order to attract them. Once we successfully capture a raccoon, we make sure to remove it from the property in a humane manner. Typically, raccoons tend to be more active during the autumn and winter months as they search for food and a place to seek shelter.

Raccoon Exclusion Process

To prevent raccoons from entering, we close off any openings they use. Another option is to install one-way doors or devices and seal any gaps. Strong materials like steel, copper, or concrete can be used to construct a sturdy barrier.

Rat & Mouse Removal in Snellville GA

Rats are highly adaptable creatures that are known for scavenging food in various locations, such as garbage cans, gardens, and kitchens. They have the ability to climb well and can easily enter homes through small openings in walls, roofs, or utility lines. Once inside, rats prefer to make nests in secluded areas like attics, basements, crawlspaces, or behind walls, using materials like paper, fabric, and insulation. These pests are carriers of diseases such as leptospirosis, hantavirus, salmonellosis, and rat-bite fever, posing a health risk when present in homes. Taking immediate action to eliminate rats from your home is essential to ensure the safety and well-being of your household.


Rodent Inspection

Our wildlife expert will examine multiple locations to detect any signs of infestation by rats or mice. We will inspect the walls, roof, and foundation for any openings that these rodents can use to enter the building. In addition, they will investigate for indications of nesting. We may also track down paths or trails that rats or mice often use to navigate within the building.

Rodent Removal Process

Bait stations will be positioned in areas where rats or mice are likely to be found. These stations are equipped with poison that effectively eliminates the rodents. The process of removing rats or mice may vary depending on the time of year. In winter, they may seek refuge in buildings, so additional bait stations may be necessary. On the other hand, during summer, rats and mice may be more active during the day, requiring adjustments to inspection and baiting routines.

Rodent Exclusion Process

After eliminating the rodents, we close up any openings to ensure that they do not come back. This may involve plugging holes in walls or foundations to prevent rats and mice from accessing areas in your house or business that they prefer to live in, such as wall cavities, attics, crawlspaces, and garages.

honey bee removal

Honey Bee Removal in Snellville GA

Honey bees are intriguing creatures that play a crucial role in our environment. They collect nectar and pollen from flowers to create honey and help pollinate plants, which is essential for our food production. However, their search for food can sometimes cause issues for people who own property. Bee colonies can make their homes in various places, such as tree cavities, hollow walls, or even chimneys. While honey bees are typically not hostile, their nesting habits can result in problems like honey seeping into houses or swarms forming near human activity. To ensure the safety of these valuable pollinators and property owners, it is important to understand their behavior and take necessary precautions.

Honey Bee Inspection

In order to relocate honey bees, our wildlife expert will examine various access points bees use, such as windows, doors, vents, and other openings. Additionally, they will search for indications of harm like honeycomb, beeswax, and stains caused by honey.

Honey Bee Relocation Process

In order to move honey bees to a different hive, we catch them and transport them to a new location. If the existing hive is in a secure area, we will also capture the queen bee and shift the entire hive. This process occurs during the spring and summer months, when the bees are most active. Skilled professionals utilize specialized tools to catch and relocate the bees.

Honey Bee Exclusion Process

If the hive is situated in a hazardous location or cannot be relocated, our team will strive to prevent the bees from coming back. We will close off any openings or gaps on your property, such as windows, doors, and vents. Additionally, we can install screens or barriers to deter bees from entering the premises. Furthermore, the procedure may require the removal of any nests or hives found on the property.

Squirrel Removal in Snellville GA

Squirrels are excellent climbers and jumpers, which allows them to access areas that humans may not be able to reach. Unfortunately, this also means that sometimes they can enter homes through open windows, chimneys, or roofs that have been damaged. Once inside, squirrels may choose to make their nests in attics, crawl spaces, or even wall cavities. Although they may appear harmless, it’s important to note that squirrels can carry parasites and diseases such as ticks, fleas, and the potentially severe squirrel pox. On top of that, they can cause utter destruction in your home. If you have any squirrel-related issue in your home, it is advisable to seek immediate assistance from professionals.


Squirrel Inspection

Our wildlife expert will evaluate your property to for active signs of squirrels, such as excrement, chew marks, and nests. Additionally, they examine potential access points like gaps in the roof, ventilations, and damaged siding. The investigation also encompasses spaces within a structure where squirrels may be present, such as attics, crawl spaces, chimneys, and wall cavities.

Squirrel Trapping Process

Once the inspection is completed, our specialists will set up traps that are filled with food to entice the squirrels. We will regularly examine these traps and safely take away any squirrels that have been captured on the premises. The trapping procedure may differ depending on the time of year. During the autumn and winter, squirrels tend to seek refuge in houses and structures, making trapping simpler. However, in the spring and summer, when squirrels are more active outdoors, it could be more difficult to trap them.

Squirrel Exclusion Process

After moving the squirrels from your property, we proceed to repair openings and reinforce vulnerable areas in order to prevent their reentry. This exclusion procedure involves sealing gaps along the roofline and fitting mesh screens over vents. To secure any weak areas, we employ wire mesh, metal flashing, and caulking for sealing purposes.

bat in the night

Bat Removal in Snellville GA

Bats are interesting animals with special abilities and habits. Bats usually enter houses through small openings like gaps in the roof or chimneys, seeking shelter or warmth. Once inside, bats may decide to make their nests in attics, walls, or other hidden spots. It is against the law to harm bats, so they can only be removed from a building by hand or through a specific exclusion method.

Bat Inspection

If your home is warm and secluded, bats may come inside to hibernate. When experts remove bats, they will check for indications of bat activity such as guano, urine stains, and damage to the building. Additionally, they may look for signs of bats congregating in specific areas like attics or other sections of the structure.

Bat Removal Process

The process of removing bats will vary depending on the specific situation and the type of bat involved. Our wildlife specialists may employ various methods, such as using bat funnels, to relocate bats from the area. Alternatively, they may seal off entrances and exits in the building where bats are entering. The process of removal can also change based on the time of year. In winter, when bats hibernate in certain areas of the building, experts take caution not to disturb them. However, in the summer when bats are more active and may have young bats in their roost, the young bats must be able to leave on their own before sealing off entry points

Bat Exclusion Process

Once the bats are eliminated, we take measures to seal off their entry points to ensure they do not reenter. This can be accomplished by repairing any cracks or damages on the roof tiles, replacing any damaged siding, or installing one-way doors to prevent bats from accessing the building.

Snake Removal in Snellville GA

Snake removal from your home or property is a sensitive and crucial procedure. When encountering a snake, it is vital to prioritize safety for both humans and the snake itself. Our team of professionals in wildlife control specializes in snake removal and has been trained to handle these situations effectively and efficiently. We employ different methods like trapping, physically capturing, or using snake repellents to safely eliminate the snake from the premises. The process may also include inspecting the property to identify potential entry points and providing recommendations to prevent future snake intrusions

grass snake

Snake Inspection

Having a snake living in your home or attic can pose a safety risk and needs to be addressed promptly. Experts examine the premises for any indications of snake presence, such as openings or cracks in walls, roofs, or foundations. They also inspect potential hiding spots or nesting areas for snakes, such as under decks or porches, in sheds or garages, and near stacks of wood.

Snake Trapping Process

Wee will attempt to capture live snakes whenever we can. We create barriers such as sealing gaps and holes to prevent snakes from entering a structure. Additionally, certain snake repellents prove to be successful when applied to outdoor areas.

Snake Exclusion Process

The process of exclusion involves closing off entry points in order to prevent them from entering. For instance, we seal any gaps and eliminate places where snakes might seek shelter, such as wood or brush piles. Additionally, snake fences or screens can be installed to keep snakes away from a structure.

wildlife removal services in Snellville GA

Armadillo Removal in Snellville GA

Armadillos mainly collect food in open spaces like grasslands, forests, and gardens. They mainly eat ants, termites, beetles, and other tiny creatures without backbones, which they find using their strong sense of smell. Armadillos sometimes end up on residential land, often by going under fences or getting in through small openings in foundations. When it comes to making a nest, armadillos dig shallow holes in the ground or use existing burrows made by other animals.

Armadillo Inspection

Inspecting for armadillo activity involves searching for burrows, feces, and any harm caused to lawns or gardens. The specialist might also investigate both the inside and outside of buildings for any possible entry points. During the inspection, the specialist also takes into account the presence of other wildlife species that share the same habitat as armadillos.

Armadillo Removal Process

We place traps in areas frequently visited by Armadillos and use enticing food like fruits or nuts as bait. When an armadillo gets caught in the trap, it is relocated in a way that causes the least harm. A common way to address armadillo issues is to eliminate their food sources, especially in lawns. Applying granular insecticides to lawns helps eradicate the grubs that armadillos depend on for food.

Armadillo Exclusion Process

To ensure that we get rid of any potential food sources on the property, such as fallen fruit or nuts, we implement a process called armadillo exclusion. This involves making sure that garbage cans are securely sealed and removing any fallen fruit or nuts from trees. We may also use natural repellents, or consider other options like turning on sprinkler systems or installing motion-detection lighting.

Beaver Removal in Snellville GA

Beavers are partially aquatic rodents that obtain their food from the environment around them. They mainly eat plants, such as tree bark, leaves, roots, and aquatic plants. Beavers can cut down large trees using their sharp front teeth in order to build dams. When it comes to building their homes, beavers create intricate lodges using sticks, branches, and mud. While beavers are important for preserving wetland ecosystems, their actions can sometimes result in property damage. The dams and lodges they construct can cause flooding or alter the direction of water flow, potentially affecting nearby structures or trees.

beaver removal in Snellville GA

Beaver Inspection

When confined or defending their habitat, beavers can exhibit highly hostile behavior and engage in attacks. Experts in wildlife will investigate signs of beaver presence by examining trees, bark, lodges, and dams.

Beaver Removal Process

The method for dealing with beaver removal varies depending on the location and the severity of the problem. In some cases, simply trapping and relocating the beavers is sufficient, while in other cases, additional measures such as fences or barriers are necessary. The time of year also plays a role, as beavers are more active during the spring and summer when there is abundant food available.

fox removal in Snellville GA

Fox Removal in Snellville GA

Foxes are known for their intelligence and cunning. They have a diverse diet that includes small mammals, birds, insects, and fruits, and can even scavenge for food in garbage bins and compost piles. In their search for shelter and resources, foxes may sometimes venture onto properties and even into homes. They are skilled climbers and jumpers who can scale fences and use low-hanging branches to gain entry. Moreover, foxes can occasionally create issues for homeowners by digging holes in lawns, causing damage to gardens, and chewing on irrigation systems.

Fox Inspection

On occasion, foxes may venture into residences by using cat flaps in their pursuit of food. In the event that a fox becomes agitated and unable to exit, it is advisable to contact a specialist who can safely and efficiently remove it. When conducting an inspection, we keep an eye out for signs of fox activity, such as droppings, tracks, and any damage to property. Additionally, we thoroughly examine the surroundings to identify potential den sites and any potential ways the fox may have gained entry.

Fox Removal Process

We have a structured method for safely removing a fox from a property, prioritizing the welfare of both the fox and the residents. Our process involves identifying areas where the fox could enter and any factors that may attract it to the property. We then strategically place traps that are designed to humanely trap foxes. These traps are usually baited with food to attract the fox. Once we have successfully captured the fox, our expert handles it with care and transports it to a secure location away from human habitats.

Coyote Removal in Snellville GA

Coyotes possess impressive skills in climbing and jumping, allowing them to infiltrate properties in Snellville. They have the ability to climb over fences and fit through small openings. Typically, coyotes construct their dens in secluded places, often in dense plants or underground. However, they have also been observed building dens beneath decks or sheds. Damage frequently caused by coyotes includes digging holes in lawns and gardens, as well as harming fences, structures, and enclosures for livestock in their search for food.

coyote removal in Snellville ga

Coyote Inspection

During the inspection, our wildlife experts observe signs such as tracks, droppings, and den sites. They also examine any harm to buildings or belongings resulting from the presence of coyotes. Additionally, the inspection includes a thorough check of the yard, garden, and other structures on the property.

Coyote Trapping Process

The procedure consists of placing traps that are baited with food to attract the coyote, and then closely observing to confirm that the coyote has been captured. The trapping process for coyotes can vary depending on the time of year, as their behavior changes throughout different seasons. For instance, coyotes may be more active and easily seen during the breeding season in daylight hours. However, during winter months, they tend to be more active at night.

Our Location

Address: 1720 Epps Bridge Pkwy Ste. 108-332

Athens, GA 30606

Office Hours:

8 AM – 5 PM Monday – Friday

Wildlife removal services often involve trapping and removing animals that cause problems. They also offer exclusion services to stop future invasions.

Professionals use various techniques to trap and remove the animals without causing harm. Once the animals are caught, they are transported safely away from human habitation.

You may require wildlife removal services if you hear noises in your attic or walls, witness animal droppings, or discover holes in walls or furniture.

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