Snake Avoidance Tips
The easiest way to keep a snake away from your home or property is to make the area unattractive to them. Snakes will look for areas favorable to continued survival. Like all animals, snakes have three basic needs for survival: Food – Water – Shelter
Tip #1– Eliminate snake food sources in and around your property.
Snake FoodSnakes are predators and are known for feeding on mice, frogs, chipmunks, and insects. For residents of NE Georgia, all types of rodents are abundant, but mice are most prevalent in wooded and agricultural areas.
The best recommendation for snake removal is to eliminate mice from your property, if possible. Mice also need food, water, and shelter to survive. Some of the most common food sources for mice around a home are gardens, tree nuts, bird feeders, pet food, and garbage. If all food sources cannot be practically eliminated, then remove any mouse food source you can. Trapping and removal of mice is also helpful, however the task of trapping mice is inevitably a never ending endeavor especially if mice find food, water, or shelter on your property.
Tip # 2- Be wary of snakes around a water source.
Snake Water– Snakes require water to survive, obviously. If you live near a creek, pond, or other water source then you will encounter a variety of animals including snakes. Snakes may be attracted to your property not only for a source of water, but the animals snakes prey upon will be found there also. While most property owners would not desire to or have the ability to remove a water source on their property, simply being aware that snakes may be present can prevent an encounter.
Tip # 3- Maintain your property so snakes don’t have a place to hide.
Snake Shelter– Snakes need shelter for survival from weather, from predators, and for camouflage. Unfortunately, many of the landscaping items we like to use as homeowners are also ideal objects for snakes to use for shelter. Just like water sources, landscaping will also be attractive to the animals snakes prey on. The landscaping choices and the proper maintenance of the landscaping can have a direct correlation with snake activity in that area. Grass must be kept cut low; shrubs, trees and plantings must be trimmed and manicured. Beware when selecting stacked stones in landscaping and do not allow any clutter around the house or property. If you must stack firewood, then do not stack near your house and keep the wood at least a foot off the ground. Inspect the foundations of the buildings on your property and seal any holes or gaps that should be filled.
In Conclusion
Snakes should be respected for the threat they pose to humans and pets. However, snakes fulfill an essential role in maintaining a balance in our Georgia ecology. Without snakes, mice and other animals they feed on would become over-populated, and the animals that feed on snakes would become scarce. If you encounter a snake, you would be wise to stay away from it and leave it alone. If you must have the snake removed, have a professional handle moving it to a safe location.
- Posted by SEOteric
- On July 25, 2017