Summer Biting & Stinging Pests
Because of the COVID-19 virus, we will all be spending more time in our homes and yards this summer. Biting and stinging pests can make life miserable there, and are often a health hazard for us and our pets which makes pest control toronto necessary. Here are some to watch for.
Pests that inject venom when they sting include many kinds of bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, ants, spiders, scorpions, stinging caterpillars, and centipedes. Because these pests are often trying to defend themselves or their nests, most of their stings are designed to hurt instantly—OUCH!
Somewhere over 3% of our population is highly allergic to insect stings. If you are, you should seek medical attention after just one sting and call a pest control company, midamericapest to rid your property of these stinging pests.
Pests that suck blood include mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, bed bugs chiggers, and other mites, lice, biting midges, conenose bugs, and biting flies such as horse flies. Most of these pests inject a local anesthetic so you don’t even feel it as they steal your blood. But the allergic reaction to the compounds they inject in you causes swelling and itching. And because they tap directly into your bloodstream, these pests are capable of transmitting sometimes serious diseases when they bite. Always make sure to hire a company to remove pests to avoid any unwanted damage to your house, plants of children.
Our regular services are more important than ever because they greatly reduce most of these widespread and serious pest problems. Talk to us about specialized services from pest control to deal with particular pest problems.
- Posted by SEOteric
- On July 13, 2020